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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />OmniTI Bucks Economic Trends, Reports 25% Increase in Client Portfolio [b]...[/b]
EON: Enhanced Online News (press release)
COLUMBIA, Md.--(EON: Enhanced Online News)--OmniTI, a provider of web infrastructures and applications for companies that require scalable, high performance, mission critical solutions, today announced record growth for 2011, with a 25% increase in ...

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No one has mentioned this, despite being posted by the newsfeeder multiple times.

Since Wikipedia is legendarily based on free software, what could OmniTI be doing for them, based on the usual WMF free-software extremism? From reading their massively-self-promotional website, I can only elucidate that they provide nebulous consulting services related to website operations, involving PHP and MySQL. Is the WMF now hiring contractor coders?

Ah, according to this old press release, they created the article-feedback thing.
Nice work. I'll run right out and hire them. yecch.gif
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