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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />The [b]Wikipedia Way Of Motivating Your Employees[/b]
Fast Company
BY FC Expert Blogger Julie Moreland Today This blog is written by a member of our expert blogging community and expresses that expert's views alone. As a business owner, if you can tap into the passion of your workforce the same way that Wikipedia taps ...

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Peter Damian
Eh this is great, how to make your workplace better by making it more like Wikipedia.

Quick poll - to those of you who do work, who would like it to be more like Wikipedia? Of those who don't, but would like to, would you prefer to work for a firm run like Wikipedia, or rather a boring old-fashioned pre-Web 2.0 company?

For those who don't work - well I suppose you are all happy with what you do on Wikipedia, enough said. mellow.gif
The next time you visit Wikipedia, take a moment to soak in the enormity of the project...
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