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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Why Did Uzbekistan Ban [b]Wikipedia?[/b]
by Sarah Kendzior on 2/21/2012 · 0 comments Uzbekistan's ban on Wikipedia is censorship as performance art. The ban, enacted late last month, blocks all articles written in Uzbek while leaving articles in other languages accessible.

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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Why Did Uzbekistan Ban [b]Wikipedia?[/b]
by Sarah Kendzior on 2/21/2012 · 1 comment Uzbekistan's ban on Wikipedia is censorship as performance art. The ban, enacted late last month, blocks all articles written in Uzbek while leaving articles in other languages accessible.

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A good read, though it cannot answer the question in the headline. I liked this bit:
Like its English-language counterpart, the Uzbek Wikipedia is an idiosyncratic collection that represents the diverse interests of its users. The best entries, as rated by moderators, are Cristiano Ronaldo, the Republic of Korea, Philosophy, and Alisher Navoi (a 15th century Uzbek poet). Other user favorites include Kelly Clarkson, Nirvana (the band), Internet Explorer, and a Finnish symphonic metal group called Nightwish. Pop culture entries tend to skew toward foreign tastes: the recently updated Uitni Hyuston entry, for example, is longer than that of popular Uzbek singer Yulduz Usmonova.
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