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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />President of ABC says [b]Wikipedia-fuelled viewers leading to smarter TV[/b]
Medicine Hat News
BANFF, Alta. - TV viewers are more clever than they were a few decades ago and their savvy is reflected in the shows that are being made, the president of ABC Entertainment Group told a session at the Banff World Media Festival on Monday.

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biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif "I do think we're in a world now where our audience is Wikipedia fuelled and knows everything." biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

Cracks me up. Knows everything. laugh.gif

Obviously he's never edited on Wikipedia. evilgrin.gif
Lee says when he calls viewers "smart" he is referring not to intelligence but to worldliness.
It is indeed true that Wikipedia readers are likely to be far better informed about obscenity and strange sexual behaviour such as censored.gif than people used to be. Is that what he means by worldliness?
QUOTE(ComeGetMe @ Mon 11th June 2012, 8:08pm) *

"I do think we're in a world now where our audience is Wikipedia fuelled and knows everything."

Twerp doesn't say they know everything because of Wikipedia. Maybe they know it all despite the bloody site!
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