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Full Version: CBS 2 Guide: Understanding The Amish (WCBS-TV New York)
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Yahoo! News
They are quiet people who disdain violence. Most ignore every convenience of modern life. Some shun the outside world altogether. So it must have been even more shocking than it otherwise would have been, when a man shot a number of Amish schoolgirls in Pennsylvania before apparently taking his own life. The incident shined a spotlight on the Amish that they certainly did not want. It also caused

Yahoo! News
They are quiet people who disdain violence. Most ignore every convenience of modern life. Some shun the outside world altogether. So it must have been even more shocking than it otherwise would have been, when a man shot a number of Amish schoolgirls in Pennsylvania before apparently taking his own life. The incident shined a spotlight on the Amish that they certainly did not want. It also caused

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