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<img alt="" height="1" width="1" />Why Does Wikipedia Work?
Founder of Wikipedia Jimmy Wales recalls how he assembled "a ragtag band of volunteers," gave them tools for collaborating to create a self-organizing, self-correcting, never-finished online encyclopedia. About Jimmy Wales. Jimmy Wales is one of the ...

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I imagine that Stallman wouldn't like any software which is foverer stuck in an alpha stage where the code constantly changes, and with some problems that get fixed and new problems that get created every minute that passes.
The problem with the thread title is it begs the question. Does Wikipedia work? Sometimes it does; there are unquestionably plenty of good articles. Is that due to the general set-up? No, these articles have been produced despite the general set-up, by one editor or at most a handful of them who have written 99% of the article.
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