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KATE MILLERICK: Can Wikipedia really be all that inaccurate?
Justice (subscription), MA - 23 minutes ago
... where the professor takes 10 minutes, after handing out paper topics, to lecture the class on the danger of using the ever-unreliable resource that is Wikipedia ...
Yahoo! News
Almost everyone has had that class: the one where the professor takes 10 minutes, after handing out paper topics, to lecture the class on the danger of using the ever-unreliable resource that is Wikipedia. Despite such warnings, as the hours before the big exam become fewer and fewer or that paper nears its due date, I often find myself frantically checking Wikipedia for dates, summaries or any

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KATE MILLERICK: Can Wikipedia really be all that inaccurate?
Justice (subscription), MA - 23 minutes ago
... where the professor takes 10 minutes, after handing out paper topics, to lecture the class on the danger of using the ever-unreliable resource that is Wikipedia ...
Apparently Brad Patrick himself responded to this:

Essentially, he scolds this "Kate Millerick" for conducting the same flawed "experiment" as Alexander Halavais and any number of other lazy third-rate academia types, namely attempting to "plant" inaccuracies in various articles, all at the same time, using the same user account. UH, THAT'S NOT HOW YOU DO IT, PEOPLE...

Maybe our faith in academia isn't so well-founded after all? You'd think someone from Brandeis would be just a tad more clever than that.

And I wonder when someone at a first-tier institution will actually do a serious critical study of Wikipedia that doesn't focus solely on counting a bunch of easily-correctiable errors?
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