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In the universe of Modern Language Association (MLA) guidelines and citations, the rules, of which there are many, are typically black and white. Wikipedia, however, the self-titled "free encyclopedia that anyone can edit," has single-handedly created a swath of gray area and controversy in not only the formatting rule books, but in the entire realm of online information sources.

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BC professors agree: Wikipedia not so reliable
The Heights (subscription), MA - 1 hour ago
Wikipedia, however, the self-titled "free encyclopedia that anyone can edit," has single-handedly created a swath of gray area and controversy in not only the ...
A Boston College professor is quoted herein as saying:
"In the end, it is rather foolish for BC students to use Wikipedia. They have access - paid with their tuition dollars - to a much more reliable, much better written online encyclopedia, namely, Britannica online. But more to the point, they have access to a vast array of books in the BC libraries. When I see a Wikipedia citation, I think 'intellectually lazy student who is more interested in finishing assignments than in learning.' Maybe that's the danger."

Not such a bad article for the most part, but there's that Nature study reference yet again, wacko.gif with no mention of Britannica's response to it - the sign of an intellectually lazy student-journalist.

I'm going to have to enable the little green barfing-smiley icon for inline use if this keeps up!
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