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Daniel Brandt
The New Yorker, 2006-11-06 issue, "The Talk of the Town"
Dept. of Plumbing: Dirty Wikitricks

About campaign staffers who play with the biographies of candidates.
At one time, there was a [[Category:Living politicians]] to help editors monitor these articles and detect this sort of thing. But the powers that be insisted on getting rid of it and concentrating on one huge [[Category:Living people]], which is almost impossible to monitor (it has tens of thousands of entries).
QUOTE(guy @ Sat 4th November 2006, 10:31am) *

At one time, there was a [[Category:Living politicians]] to help editors monitor these articles and detect this sort of thing. But the powers that be insisted on getting rid of it and concentrating on one huge [[Category:Living people]], which is almost impossible to monitor (it has tens of thousands of entries).

..and then there's Gary Weiss...

We shouldn't go on about the obvious manipulation of Wikipedia by propagandists because Eurosceptic will turn up for a "Jawn" as if we're keeping him up past his bedtime.
QUOTE(JohnA @ Sat 4th November 2006, 8:24am) *
We shouldn't go on about the obvious manipulation of Wikipedia by propagandists because Eurosceptic will turn up for a "Jawn" as if we're keeping him up past his bedtime.

Maybe we should impose a new "all posts must have at least five words and one complete sentence" rule.

I'm serious, I think that would probably be a good rule... except that Selina occasionally does that. Maybe we could make an exception in her case!

Anyhoo, I was thinking of starting a separate thread on this, but I wonder if it's not really a coincidence that Wikipedia is getting hammered worse than usual in the press right about now, when there's a national election in the US in less than a week?
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