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What Does Wikipedia Say About You? (subscription), CA - 1 hour ago
... Wikipedia, with its free-for-all social networking approach to producing content, is changing all that. What Wikipedia, which has ...
(Wikipedia's) openness may tempt companies to get involved and write their own descriptions, a practice Rubel advises against. Correcting Wikipedia entries "may cause more trouble than it's worth," he says. Don't be fooled into thinking you can edit an article in Wikipedia anonymously and nobody will ever know. Wikipedia tracks your computer's Internet protocol address, so content can be traced back to whoever edited it.

If a Wikipedia article contains something unflattering about you or your company, a better way to handle it is to raise concerns on the entry's talk page. "Identify yourself clearly, point to things that prove your case and then let the people decide," Rubel urges. "Let it go, and let the community be judge and jury."

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