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Full Version: DIGITAL UTOPIA / A new breed of technologists envisions a democratic world improved by the Internet (San Francisco Chronicle)
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Yahoo! News
Behind the random silliness of YouTube videos and the juvenile frivolity of MySpace Web sites lies a powerful idea: Everyday people are using technology to gain control of the media and change the world. At least that's what a new breed of Internet...

Jonny Cache
QUOTE(Yahoo! News @ Sat 11th November 2006, 9:13am) *

Behind the random silliness of YouTube videos and the juvenile frivolity of MySpace Web sites lies a powerful idea: Everyday people are using technology to gain control of the media and change the world. At least that's what a new breed of Internet...


Digital Utopia ???

That's Latin for "Finger Up Your Gnosis (Or Thumb Other Place Where The Sun Don't Shine)".

Jonny cool.gif

I was just reading this... It's not a bad article, really, given that the author is trying not to seem biased, and probably isn't. I might even go so far as to say he's using the phrase ironically.

There's also a link in there to a book being written by Andrew Keen... I think that may be worthy of its own thread, actually!
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