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Wikipedia announces discoveries from Opinion Editorials & the ...
Opinion Editorials, VA - 12 minutes ago
Wikipedia is helping to announce amazing discoveries that first appeared on in a recent article by the noted historian Dr. Rex Curry. ...
I'm not sure which is scarier: The fact that this guy has succeeded in co-opting Wikipedia to this extent, or the fact that his website got picked up by Google News.

I guess both WP and Google will take just about anything these days!
Actually that Opinion Editorials piece is right on point about the historian Dr. Rex Curry. Wikipedia has been greatly improved by the many writers who cite his research and thereby educate so many about history. That is also why Google News picked it up. has also adopted policies recommended by Dr. Curry. He is a national treasure.

The scarier point is the fact that there are people who will post just about anything these days as an off-topic insult and their posts glaringly do not even dispute a single word (because they know that Dr. Curry's work is correct) in the opinion editorials piece about Dr. Curry.

Did you know that -

* Charlotte Bronte originally published her work under the pen-name Currer Bell
* Currer was the inspiration of the term "curry" for a kind of Indian food.
QUOTE(guy @ Mon 12th February 2007, 8:33am) *
Did you know that -

* Charlotte Bronte originally published her work under the pen-name Currer Bell
* Currer was the inspiration of the term "curry" for a kind of Indian food.

Why no, I did not know that!

However, I did know that Mr. Bell's registration IP address geolocates to the general vicinity of Tampa, FL...

And whaddya know! That's where Dr. Curry lives!

And it's also where the Wikimedia Foundation is located!

And their football team has really been very disappointing these past two seasons! mad.gif

They have a nice theme park there, though, and a whole museum not far from there that's dedicated to Salvador Dali. By the way, did you know that Dr. Curry's predecessors helped settle Key West back when Florida's government was virtually non-existent?

Now why would they do a thing like that?
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