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Wikipedia exploding in popularity
Mankato Free Press, MN - 34 minutes ago
... Welcome to Wikipedia, a free Internet encyclopedia that features information on the world-renowned and the locally obscure people, events and issues. ...
Maybe we should have a special subforum for "Small-town journalists who have just discovered Wikipedia's existence."
Jonny Cache
QUOTE(Somey @ Tue 14th November 2006, 2:10am) *

Maybe we should have a special subforum for "Small-town journalists who have just discovered Wikipedia's existence".

We could pair it with a subforum on "Small-time Wikipedians who have just discovered journalism's existence" -- We could call the latter "Not A Bit To Print".

Jonny cool.gif
Hmm... What would we call the new sub-forum, then? "Worthless Overviews for the Uninitiated" is too long, but that's the concept, anyway - as well as the sort of thing we'd actually put there.

"Barely N00bzworthy," maybe? It's cute, if nothing else. smile.gif
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