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Faculty disagree on use of Wikipedia
The Dartmouth, NH - 29 minutes ago
While the group "Wikipedia is the source of all my knowledge" was created out of humor, its title has a grain of truth for many students at ...
Okay, here's an example of a student journalist ("Amita Kulkarni") writing an article about how every Dartmouth professor she talked to either warns against using Wikipedia for coursework or prohibits it outright, and the student editor slaps a headline on it that reads "Faculty disagree on use of Wikipedia."

Uh, sounds more like the student editor disagrees with the faculty, don'tcha think?
That's a very piquant thread sub-caption, Somey.
QUOTE(Somey @ Wed 15th November 2006, 9:13pm) *

Okay, here's an example of a student journalist ("Amita Kulkarni") writing an article about how every Dartmouth professor she talked to either warns against using Wikipedia for coursework or prohibits it outright, and the student editor slaps a headline on it that reads "Faculty disagree on use of Wikipedia."

Uh, sounds more like the student editor disagrees with the faculty, don'tcha think?

Did we read the same article? The one I read said "Some professors use it during class, some permit its use in research papers and others adamantly oppose it." Sounds like a lack of unanimity to me.

Not that I'm suggesting for a minute that students should be allowed to use it.
QUOTE(guy @ Wed 15th November 2006, 4:43pm) *
Did we read the same article? The one I read said "Some professors use it during class, some permit its use in research papers and others adamantly oppose it." Sounds like a lack of unanimity to me.

I dunno... You may be right. I was reading the actual quotes, though, and also consider the source:
"I have no objection to students using Wikipedia for research papers -- but with the cautions I urged. It is not the same thing as a regular encyclopedia or peer-reviewed journal article," religion professor Ronald Green said.

Green said he expects his students to use good judgment when referencing any source, making sure to analyze all text and keep a vigilant eye for potentially misleading information.

This is the only person quoted who says he has "no objection" to WP's use on research papers, but then he puts all sort of qualifications on it. And don't overlook the fact that this is a religion professor - I have nothing against religion professors, of course, but if there's one academic area of study where a rigorous scientific approach to accuracy and fact-based analysis isn't required, it's religious studies.

Oh, and also Business Management. But that doesn't count, since they probably don't teach that at Dartmouth! smile.gif

QUOTE(Herschelkrustofsky @ Wed 15th November 2006, 3:59pm) *
That's a very piquant thread sub-caption, Somey.

Originally it was going to be "tranny-porn photos," but then I remembered I one of my friends from High School teaches at Dartmouth... though actually I haven't heard from him in a few years.
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