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> Media Forums > Wikipedia in the Media
Criticism of Wikipedia is often relegated to outside the system itself, due to the possibility of censorship or banning if an administrator decides they don't like what you say.

See also "Quitting Wikipedia and wanted you to know why."
Hmm, I wonder who posted this on NewsVine? Whoever it was, thanks! smile.gif
Oh I see. Clicking on "read article" takes you to a WR article:

Clicking on the See also part (which I did first) takes you to a Wikipedia mailing list e-mail:

Whilst this is nice advertising for WR, I question whether it is really Newsvine-worthy.
QUOTE(blissyu2 @ Thu 16th November 2006, 4:17pm) *

Oh I see. Clicking on "read article" takes you to a WR article:

Clicking on the See also part (which I did first) takes you to a Wikipedia mailing list e-mail:

Whilst this is nice advertising for WR, I question whether it is really Newsvine-worthy.

Well Wikipedia Review has its first media reference
It's not the first, but it's the first in a fairly long while - I'd say at least 2-3 months. Of course, Newsvine is basically a media-watch blog site, not a news-gathering/reporting entity. It's good that someone these considers us "vineworthy," but if we want to draw some serious media attention to ourselves, I'm afraid we'll have to start issuing our own press releases.

I keep saying I'll set that all up at some point... So little time, so much to do!
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