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Full Version: Wikipedia Founder Lukewarm on Citizen Journalism?
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It was surprising the other night to hear Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales critique citizen journalism -- side by side with a traditional news editor who positively enthused over it.
Despite the fact that Wales' Wikimedia Foundation houses the citizen journalism experiment Wikinews, he provided a rather lukewarm endorsement of the concept. Wales suggested, for instance, that because citizen journalists are motivated to write mostly on stories they care about personally, their output is typically commentary or analysis. While that may be useful, he doesn't see citizen journalists providing the "work-horse reporting" that professional journalists do. And while some kinds of citizen newsgathering can "drive toward objectivity" without being always "biased or inflammatory," he added, it just won't replace traditional journalism, with its mechanisms to ensure reporters are not just pushing an agenda.

You'd almost think Jimbo had been reading Wikipedia Review! Maybe he has been... If so, might I say that he's really got to stop sending out that photo of himself in the pink polo shirt along with the press releases?
It was surprising the other night to hear Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales critique citizen journalism -- side by side with a traditional news editor who positively enthused over it.
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