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Daniel Brandt

Seigenthaler maintained that Wikipedia’s system of providing information remains wide open to abuse and falsification, despite site editors’ diligence. “The problem is not solved by their diligence,” he said. “Wales has taken minimal, sadly ineffective steps to clean up Wikipedia’s act.” ... Users of the online encyclopedia are able to post articles with or without any special knowledge of their chosen subject. The material is edited for accuracy by Wikipedia “administrators” with names such as “Fuzheado, Isomorphic, PZ Fun, Woggely, Zippy and Zocky,” Seigenthaler said.

That's a little unfair. What about sensible admin names like "Can't sleep, clown will eat me"?
QUOTE(Daniel Brandt @ Sat 18th November 2006, 12:27am) *

Seigenthaler maintained that Wikipedia’s system of providing information remains wide open to abuse and falsification, despite site editors’ diligence. “The problem is not solved by their diligence,” he said. “Wales has taken minimal, sadly ineffective steps to clean up Wikipedia’s act.” ... Users of the online encyclopedia are able to post articles with or without any special knowledge of their chosen subject. The material is edited for accuracy by Wikipedia “administrators” with names such as “Fuzheado, Isomorphic, PZ Fun, Woggely, Zippy and Zocky,” Seigenthaler said.

Of course, the whole thing is an invitation to libel. The fact is Mr. Wales is the one that created this website "that anyone can edit" therefore he is responsible for not putting in adequate measures, i.e. paying people to check all edits before they are accepted. If he is such a great philanthropist why doesn't he donate his money or that of the Wikimedia foundation to this purpose? Of course, it is because he doesn't really want to spend money if he can get away with not spending it, and also that if people realised that silly or libelous edits didn't get through perhaps his website would become a lot less popular. smile.gif
QUOTE(guy @ Sat 18th November 2006, 7:11am) *
That's a little unfair. What about sensible admin names like "Can't sleep clown will eat me"?

I'd have to agree, really. I mean, the fact that he got all the way down to Zippy and Zocky means that he must have gone through the entire alphabetized list, and decided not to include Alphachimp, Cantthinkofagoodname, Consumed Crustacean, DropDeadGorgias, Evil saltine, Future Perfect at Sunrise, Grunt, Hamster Sandwich, KillerChihuahua, LiquidGhoul, Mindspillage, MisfitToys, Oven Fresh, Pepsidrinka, Peruvianllama, Premeditated Chaos, Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington, TUF-KAT, TexasAndroid, The wub, TheParanoidOne, Warofdreams, and Woohookitty.
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