[url="http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&ct2=us&usg=AFQjCNE6wpEDsFzj7LFemip4UDGMINHKcw&clid=c3a7d30bb8a4878e06b80cf16b898331&cid=52779382402918&ei=nSCjWLDnAsGHqAL8ga-gBA&url=https://www.joe.ie/music/pics-guy-used-genius-wikipedia-trick-blag-way-vip-section-concert/577719"][img]http://t0.gstatic.com/images? q=tbn:ANd9GcQVmAbt7xzgRTFwHpMD_q9ruUi_jr9z7cS0tjU56xOEC6U2MYHT2L2asuqjVFSw2wCYDo
•PICS: This guy used a genius Wikipedia trick to blag his way into the VIP section of a concert
We've seen from events such as the Superbowl, the Australian Open final and high profile UFC fights that people will try and blag their way into pretty much anything these days, but the latest example is probably the cleverest we've heard of yet. On ...

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