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Yahoo! News
'Identity managers' act as agents, lawyers, enablers - and enforcers - for lives lived increasingly online.

Yahoo! News
John Joseph Bachir is a programmer. He's also an amateur filmmaker. He has a blog and is involved in a series of software projects, some of which he runs. He sometimes records an audio show about odd Wikipedia entries. He even submitted a photo of penguins to Cute Overload, a website overrun with cuddly animals that make you think "Soooo cute!"

Yahoo! News
In an age where someone's virtual identity can come back to haunt them, online identity management is a natural ? if unintended ? consequence. Online-identity management services range from agent and enabler to attorney and enforcer.

Yahoo! News
The Internet has matured to a point where so much of one's life is online that some people need methods of self-promotion and self-protection. As more employers, workers, and singles use the Internet to check someone out, the idea of managing one's online presence doesn't sound so strange.

Yahoo! News
'Identity managers' act as agents, lawyers, enablers - and enforcers - for lives lived increasingly online.

Yahoo! News
'Identity managers' act as agents, lawyers, enablers - and enforcers - for lives lived increasingly online.

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