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Chinese-language Wikipedia presents different view of history
International Herald Tribune, France - 58 minutes ago
According to the English-language version of Wikipedia, the popular online encyclopedia, he was a victorious military and political leader who founded China's ...
Google News

Chinese-language Wikipedia presents different view of history
International Herald Tribune, France - 34 minutes ago
According to the English-language version of Wikipedia, the popular online encyclopedia, he was a victorious military and political leader who founded China's ...
Yahoo! News
Mao Zedong, the Cultural Revolution and Taiwanese sovereignty are among the topics that get different treatment on Wikipedia, depending on whether one is reading the site Chinese or English.

Google News

Is Wikipedia China Really Wikipedia?
CBS News, NY - 47 minutes ago
Wikipedia and China are two of our favorite subjects, and the uneasy meeting of the two is the topic of a fascinating story in the International Herald Tribune ...
Yahoo! News
Chinese Wikipedia users say the Web site highlights the resilience of an information control system whose reach goes beyond simple censorship.

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Wikipedia lays bare two versions of China's past
CNET, CA - 41 minutes ago
Chinese Wikipedia users say site highlights the resilience of an information control system whose reach goes beyond simple censorship. By Howard W. French. ...
Yahoo! News
Shanghai _ Just who was Mao Zedong? In the English-language version of Wikipedia, the popular online encyclopaedia, he was a victorious military and political leader who founded China's modern communist state.

Google News

How the Chinese Wikipedia Differs from the English
Slashdot - 11 minutes ago
bulled writes " is running a story on differences found in Wikipedia's Chinese site content, as compared to content on the same subjects from the ...
Google News

How the Chinese Wikipedia Differs from the English
Slashdot - 59 minutes ago
bulled writes " is running a story on differences found in Wikipedia's Chinese site content, as compared to content on the same subjects from the ...
Yahoo! News
bulled writes " is running a story on differences found in Wikipedia's Chinese site content, as compared to content on the same subjects from the English site. The article goes into a discussion about how the 'sanitized' information is so prevalent in Chinese education that it is seen as the 'truth'." From the article: "[Some] say the object should be to spread reliable information as

In the English-language version of Wikipedia, the popular online encyclopedia, he was a victorious military and political leader who founded China's modern Communist state.
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