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<img src= width=79 height=76 alt="" border=1>Wikipedia: Encyclopedia of, for and by the people
Chips, IA - 42 minutes ago
If you have searched the Internet for anything in the past couple of years, chances are you have gotten a hit from the wiki encyclopedia aptly named Wikipedia. ...
Yahoo! News
If you have searched the Internet for anything in the past couple of years, chances are you have gotten a hit from the wiki encyclopedia aptly named Wikipedia.

Apparently this student "reporter" for Luther College didn't get the memo that Slimmy, JayJG, Mantanmoreland, and the Gang are trying to smear Martin Luther's name every which way but loose.

I've seen poorly-researched puff pieces before, but this one might as well be a full-page ad!
I don't think that this is terribly pro-Wikipedia:

"open to revision by anyone with Internet access and the confidence in, and sometimes misconception of, their own knowledge."

"The site is not edited by experts for what is factual and false, so it?ÇÖs easy to see how Wikipedia?ÇÖs integrity is questioned and criticized."

"While these findings" (the notorious Nature study) "seem to support Wikipedia as a reliable source, they say nothing of some entries?ÇÖ confusing organization of information, inaccurate emphasis and sources of information."

And what has Martin Luther got to do with it? Isn't the college named after Lex Luther?
I believe the college is named after singer Luther Vandross, but they're probably trying to paint him as a notorious anti-semite too. Just check out these lyrics from his smash hit, "Never Too Much":

Woke up today, looked at your picture just to get me started
I called you up, but you weren't there and I was broken hearted
Hung up the phone, can't be too late, the boss is so demandin'
Opened the door up and to my surprise there you were standin'

Clearly, this suggests that Vandross, already late for work, would put his career in jeopardy to feed his own sexually-addictive behavior, as many Wikipedians do when staring longingly at photos of User:Cyde, or even just reading "thank-you" notes from User:Phaedriel. While this doesn't actually prove anything, at the very least it suggests that Vandross is a terrible writer, which - again - is a trait shared by many Wikipedians, as well as myself, apparently. It's probably just a matter of time before Vandross is hit with a one-year ban.

Highly suspicious.

Also, I should hasten to point out that "(the notorious Nature study)" is Guy's insertion - it doesn't appear in the article like that. Of course, that doesn't make it any less notorious!
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