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Full Version: ‘Elusive planet’ can be viewed clearly from Earth with the naked eye (Jewish World Review)
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Yahoo! News | (MCT) Have you seen Mercury lately? It's right there, clear as night, in the predawn sky.

I liked the ad at the bottom - anyone want a planet cheap?


Planet Mercury
Planet Mercury Savings! Smart Mercury Shoppers Start Here.

QUOTE(guy @ Fri 1st December 2006, 4:49am) *
I liked the ad at the bottom - anyone want a planet cheap?

Perhaps they're referring to a whimsically-named car dealership?

Here's the relevant bit:
Wikipedia's listing of the more than 200 named craters on Mercury notes that they all have been labeled after famous artists and writers, including composers Beethoven, Bach and Wagner. Sadly, none is named after Holst. Maybe that will change when MESSENGER maps the remaining 55 percent of the planet starting in 2011.

They're going to have to set up a new WP:LPC policy for "Listings of Planetary Craters," in case they decide to name a crater after someone out of sheer malice.

They would, too...
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