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Apparently wikis are such good collaboration tools that they even make the U.S. Intelligence community more effective!
John Negroponte announced today that the 16 agencies making up the American Intelligence Community have a collaborative wiki called Intellipedia, a top secret information-sharing system used on the government's restricted Intelink Web system.
The CIA and other US intelligence agencies have created a computer system that uses software from a popular Internet encyclopedia site to gather content on sensitive topics from analysts across the spy community, part of an effort to fix problems that plagued prewar estimates on …
The U.S. intelligence community Tuesday unveiled its own secretive version of Wikipedia, saying the popular online encyclopedia format known for its openness is key to the future of American espionage.
The US intelligence community has unveiled its own secretive version of Wikipedia, saying the popular online encyclopedia format known for its openness is key to the future of American espionage.
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