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Wikipedia: Walking China's Fine Line of Censorship
TechNewsWorld, CA - 37 minutes ago
The English-language Wikipedia mentions the settlement of Taiwan by aborigines who are genetically related to Malaysians and places the first meaningful ...
Yahoo! News
Just who was Mao Zedong? According to the English-language version of Wikipedia, the popular online encyclopedia, he was a victorious military and political leader who founded China's modern Communist state and was "a mass murderer, holding his leadership accountable for the deaths of tens of millions of innocent Chinese." Switch to Wikipedia in Chinese, and one discovers a very different man.

Yahoo! News
Just who was Mao Zedong? According to the English-language version of Wikipedia, the popular online encyclopedia, he was a victorious military and political leader who founded China's modern Communist state and was "a mass murderer, holding his leadership accountable for the deaths of tens of millions of innocent Chinese." Switch to Wikipedia in Chinese, and one discovers a very different man.

Google News

Chinese Wikipedia paints a different Mao
Blogger News Network - 17 minutes ago
According to the English-language version of Wikipedia, the popular online encyclopaedia, he was a victorious military and political leader who founded China ...
Yahoo! News
Just who was Mao Zedong? According to the English-language version of Wikipedia, the popular online encyclopedia, he was a victorious military and political leader who founded China's modern Communist state and was "a mass murderer, holding his leadership accountable for the deaths of tens of millions of innocent Chinese." Switch to Wikipedia in Chinese, and one discovers a very different man.

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