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Full Version: Google Adds The Geographic Web To Earth
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Google has added some new layers to Google Earth. The new layers are part of what is now called the "Geographic Web."
Google has never ceased to amaze me at their ability to gather information and organize it in an easy to read manner. A few years ago they came out with Google Earth which was a great product within itself.
Yahoo! News
Google has aggregated what it’s calling a “Geographic Web Layer” in Google Earth. It’s a collection of photos and informational content from Wikipedia, Panoramio and user-generated content from the Google Earth user community. Here’s more from the Official Google Blog. We’ve taken the rich data of Wikipedia, Panoramio, and the Google Earth Community and made a [...]

Google News

<img src= width=79 height=47 alt="" border=1>Google Earth Adds Wikipedia Content And More
Wired Blogs - 7 hours ago
To access the new content when you’re using Google Earth just look for the Wikipedia globe icon or Panoramio “star” icon and click them to see the ...
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