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Google News

Bloggers' Top-Cited Wikipedia 2006 Entries: "Web 2.0," "Steve ...
Market Wire (press release) - 10 minutes ago
NEW YORK, NY -- (MARKET WIRE) -- December 13, 2006 -- Did somebody say Wikipedia? Yes, and then some, according to word-of-mouth ...
Yahoo! News
Did somebody say Wikipedia? Yes, and then some, according to word-of-mouth measurement firm Nielsen BuzzMetrics, which identified Wikipedia -- the online encyclopedia anyone can edit -- as one of popular words and resources of 2007.

Yahoo! News
Did somebody say Wikipedia? Yes, and then some, according to word-of-mouth measurement firm Nielsen BuzzMetrics, which identified Wikipedia -- the online encyclopedia anyone can edit -- as one of popular words and resources of 2007.

Google News

<img src= width=80 height=48 alt="" border=1>Bloggers' Top-Cited Wikipedia 2006 Entries: "Web 2.0," "Steve ...
Market Wire (press release) - Dec 13, 2006
NEW YORK, NY -- (MARKET WIRE) -- December 13, 2006 -- Did somebody say Wikipedia? Yes, and then some, according to word-of-mouth measurement firm Nielsen ...
Google News

Bloggers' Top-Cited Wikipedia 2006 Entries: "Web 2.0," "Steve ...
WebKnowHow (press release), IL - 2 hours ago
Did somebody say Wikipedia? ... According to Nielsen BuzzMetrics, the term 'Wikipedia' was cited in blogs nearly 29,000 times in November 2006, up 54% from 2005. ...
Jonny Cache
QUOTE(Google News @ Fri 15th December 2006, 9:08am) *

Bloggers' Top-Cited Wikipedia 2006 Entries: "Web 2.0," "Steve ...
WebKnowHow (press release), IL -- 2 hours ago ...
Did somebody say Wikipedia? ... According to Nielsen BuzzMetrics, the term 'Wikipedia' was cited in blogs nearly 29,000 times in November 2006, up 54% from 2005. ...

How do I loathe thee? Let me count the ways ...

Who knew there were so many ways to say "Wikipedia is a Wikipile'o'crap" ???

Oops! ... there goes another one ... 29,001 and still counting ...

Jonny cool.gif
This isn't really surprising, though - and it doesn't even look all that bad either, though it would obviously be better if bloggers would cite a wider variety of sources in general, to prevent the whole "informational monoculture" problem from getting out of control.

Thing is, if you look at the list of most-cited WP articles, most of them are for new, net-centric subjects - words like "meme," phrases like "net neutrality," and of course, "Snakes on a Plane." Those are also things that would be of interest to the typical blogger, whereas classic literature or zoology or Chinese architecture generally wouldn't be. So while it's certainly disappointing, I don't think it's anything to worry about - IMO we should still be more concerned with what goes on within academia, the non-fiction book world, and traditional journalism.

Hmm, sounded good at the time, anyway... unsure.gif
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