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Everytime you link to Wikipedia...
Cnet Asia, CA - 33 minutes ago

(Direct link to referenced article)

To the critics — sometimes there are indeed weird results with user-generated stuff. When I was doing a search for this article, I did a Google search...
Well now, this is actually quite hilarious indeed!

Apparently author/blogger Andrew Lih figured out that, in the wake of Time Magazine's mention of Wikipedia in their "You of the Year" article, searches under both Google and Yahoo! on the phrase...

time you wikipedia

...come back with a rather embarrassing WP article title at the very tippy-top. I'd tell you what it is, but that would spoil the surprise! laugh.gif

No doubt Matt Cutts and the Google Gang (perhaps along with their Yahoo counterparts) will want to do something about that. (Like, rewrite their PageRank algorithms completely, perhaps?)
Daniel Brandt
That gives me an idea. Let's exploit Google's insane Wikipedia rankings by using a little reverse engineering. Yahoo isn't nearly as bad as Wikipedia.

1. Compile a list of the most worthless, silly, obscene, non-encyclopedic pages in Wikipedia.

2. Look for some keywords on each page -- three is about right -- that might be used to search for something innocent and useful in Wikipedia. If "wikipedia" is the first word, then you might only need two. See if those words pull up the disgusting article as the first result in Google.

3. Make a chart of useful searches that people might do based on your keyword collection. The headline of the page is, "I'm Feeling Lucky with Google and Wikipedia!"

4. Explain what innocent information you are trying to find in a sentence, and then next to it you show a "I'm Feeling Lucky" Google-style button that has the keyword search pre-loaded in the anchor. You end up on the Google results page. Most people know that the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button goes to the first result, but you want them to see it on top of the Google results. They'll make the connection with the button that way, and you can explain that they have to hit the top result to replicate the "I'm Feeling Lucky" function.

If we can develop a list of 20 or so, I'll add a page to Wikipedia-Watch. I bet they'll remain stable for a long time in Google. I already have a filename for the page: wikigoo.html
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