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It’s again time for a discussion about the use of the nofollow attribute for links at the English language Wikipedia. A lot of the Wikis in other languages use the attribute and also the MediaWiki platform which is used by Wikipedia and thousands of other Wikis has the nofollow attribute ON by default for new [...]

It's a bit technical, but I would encourage everybody to read this one. It's actually a fairly definitive explanation of why Wikipedia is slowly being turned into a gigantic link-spamming engine, and how simple it would be for the Wikipedians to stop it.
Jonny Cache
QUOTE(Somey @ Thu 21st December 2006, 3:42pm) *

It's a bit technical, but I would encourage everybody to read this one. It's actually a fairly definitive explanation of why Wikipedia is slowly being turned into a gigantic link-spamming engine, and how simple it would be for the Wikipedians to stop it.

You're not really assuming they'd want to stop it, are you?


Jonny cool.gif
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