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Full Version: YouTube: Get it while it's hot (Los Angeles Times)
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Yahoo! News
The video-hosting vcultural clearinghouse is a gift that keeps on giving, until it is taken away. THE beautiful thing about a machine like YouTube, the video-hosting virtual megalopolis named "invention of the year" by Time magazine (though its birth dates from 2005), is its fundamental neutrality, the way the website wraps itself around the user and becomes a reflection of his interests. My ...

Yahoo! News
The video-hosting vcultural clearinghouse is a gift that keeps on giving, until it is taken away. THE beautiful thing about a machine like YouTube, the video-hosting virtual megalopolis named "invention of the year" by Time magazine (though its birth dates from 2005), is its fundamental neutrality, the way the website wraps itself around the user and becomes a reflection of his interests. My ...

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