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<img src= width=80 height=80 alt="" border=1>Wikipedia lacks maturity: Sanger
CIOL, India - 3 hours ago
Larry Sanger was the brain behind Wikipedia, which he co-founded with Jimmy Wales. After being in the shadows for sometime, Sanger is back with an ...
Yahoo! News
Larry Sanger was the brain behind Wikipedia, which he co-founded with Jimmy Wales. After being in the shadows for sometime, Sanger is back with an alternative to Wikipedia, a project named as Citizendium

Google News

Wikipedia lacks maturity: Sanger, India - 45 minutes ago
BANGALORE-One would be hard pressed to find a person knowing anything about the web and not knowing Wikipedia or its founder Jimmy Wales. ...
Jonny Cache
QUOTE(Google News @ Thu 28th December 2006, 3:54am) *

Wikipedia lacks maturity: Sanger, India - 45 minutes ago
BANGALORE-One would be hard pressed to find a person knowing anything about the web and not knowing Wikipedia or its founder Jimmy Wales. ...


There's a joke there somewhere, I'm sure, Mr. Fleming ...

Jonny cool.gif
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