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Yahoo! News
MY GHETTO REPORT CARD E-40 Wikipedia, shmikipedia. If you really want to understand "hyphy" -- that riveting, hyperkinetic strand of California hip-hop that squirmed into the mainstream last year -- E-40's latest album is the best place to start. On it, the veteran rapper spits car talk and slang...

Yahoo! News
Social Media Optimization is defined by Wikipedia as a way to optimize websites so they would be more easily connected or interlaced with online communities and community websites. For example allowing RSS feeds, easier linking, incorporation of third party community functionalities like Flickr photo slides and galleries or YouTube videos. Pronet Advertising is penned by the [...]

Yahoo! News
Ben Goldacre: It's just not cool to anonymously edit your own Wikipedia page.

Yahoo! News
"Last month, fellow Fool Alyce Lomax profiled Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales' decision to launch a new Internet search engine to compete against Google, Yahoo!, IAC/InterActiveCorp's, and Microsoft's MSN Search.

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