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Yahoo! News
too_old_to_be_irate writes to tell us about a site that word got out on before they were ready. Wikileaks aims to be an anonymous and uncensorable repository of leaked documents, posted for commentary by interested parties. It's expected to go live in a month or two. From the site: "Wikileaks is developing an uncensorable version of Wikipedia for untraceable mass document leaking and analysis. ...

Yahoo! News
too_old_to_be_irate writes to tell us about a site that word got out on before they were ready. Wikileaks aims to be an anonymous and uncensorable repository of leaked documents, posted for commentary by interested parties. It's expected to go live in a month or two. From the site: "Wikileaks is developing an uncensorable version of Wikipedia for untraceable mass document leaking and analysis. ...

Yahoo! News
When Wikileaks goes live in the next two months, the Internet site will serve as a depository for damning government documents. Based on the model taken by the online encyclopedia Wikipedia, the new Web site will allow people to upload sensitive government documents to help foster more open governmental systems throughout the world.

Yahoo! News
When Wikileaks goes live in the next two months, the Internet site will serve as a depository for damning government documents. Based on the model taken by the online encyclopedia Wikipedia, the new Web site will allow people to upload sensitive government documents to help foster more open governmental systems throughout the world.

Yahoo! News
Is the soon-to-debut site a bold new forum for exposing corruption or a front for some intelligence agency? Conspiracy theorists want to know.

Yahoo! News
It had to happen.

Yahoo! News
It had to happen. A Web site set up to encourage anonymous leaks of controversial government secrets has been exposed before its launch.

Yahoo! News
LONDON, England (Reuters) -- It had to happen. A Web site set up to encourage anonymous leaks of controversial government secrets has been exposed before its launch.

Google News

Whistleblowers go all Wikipedia and the day the internet almost broke
Guardian Unlimited, UK - 18 minutes ago
By Mark Sweney / Digital Digest 12:52pm. A Wikipedia-style website set up to encourage anonymous whistleblowers to air secrets has itself been exposed ...
Google News

Whistleblowers go all Wikipedia and the day the internet almost broke
Guardian Unlimited, UK - 50 minutes ago
By Mark Sweney / Digital Digest 12:52pm. A Wikipedia-style website set up to encourage anonymous whistleblowers to air secrets has itself been exposed ...
Yahoo! News
It had to happen. A Web site set up to encourage anonymous leaks of controversial government secrets has been exposed before its launch.

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