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Full Version: Joseph A. Palermo: The Times' Helene Cooper: Worst Thumbnail History Ever (HuffingtonPost)
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Yahoo! News
In her lead editorial, which appeared today in the New York Times' "Week in Review," Helene Cooper gives us a short history lesson of the Spanish Civil War: "Remember the Spanish Civil War? The best America can hope for, some experts said, would be for Iraq to turn into today's version of the Spanish Civil War. "For readers without immediate access to Wikipedia, the Spanish Civil War ...

Yahoo! News
In her lead editorial, which appeared today in the New York Times ' "Week in Review," Helene Cooper gives us a short history lesson of the Spanish Civil War: "Remember the Spanish Civil War? The best America can hope for, some experts said, would be for Iraq to turn into today's version of the Spanish Civil War. "For readers without immediate access to Wikipedia, the Spanish Civil War ...

Yahoo! News
In her lead editorial, which appeared today in the New York Times ' "Week in Review," Helene Cooper gives us a short history lesson of the Spanish Civil War: "Remember the Spanish Civil War? The best America can hope for, some experts said, would be for Iraq to turn into today's version of the Spanish Civil War. "For readers without immediate access to Wikipedia, the Spanish Civil War ...

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