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Some clown breaks into Street's Wikipedia page
Philadelphia Inquirer, PA - 1 hour ago
According to the online encyclopedia - which has a well-earned checkered reputation as both an everyman's Britannica and a site where bias, ...
Yahoo! News
Another reason not to trust Wikipedia, and this one's a doozy. According to the online encyclopedia - which has a well-earned checkered reputation as both an everyman's Britannica and a site where bias, slander and outright untruths reign - Mayor Street once played Bozo the Clown.

Yahoo! News
Another reason not to trust Wikipedia, and this one's a doozy. According to the online encyclopedia - which has a well-earned checkered reputation as both an everyman's Britannica and a site where bias, slander and outright untruths reign - Mayor Street once played Bozo the Clown.

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