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Pulp-fiction pioneer Sonia Greene married horror master H.P. Lovecraft. Why has her name been erased from Wikipedia? In Table of Malcontents.

Wow... This is really sad, actually.

Little is known about Greene's life after she left Lovecraft. Apparently this fascinating woman, a pioneer in both business and the writing world, was deemed so unimportant that the Wikipedians deleted her entry on Wikipedia -- now "Sonia Greene" redirects to "H.P. Lovecraft." Talk about a slap in the face. As if she hadn't taken enough crap from Lovecraft in life, now she's doomed to spend eternity as a footnote in the life of a man who took her money and disparaged her heritage. It almost sounds like a Lovecraft story. Except it's real.

On the other hand, I'm something of an HPL fan, or at least I've read a lot of his work... So maybe I'm biased, but this sort of thing tends to confirm that the so-called "notability criteria" have now gone from the realm of "rather ridiculous" to the realm of "unimaginably bogus."
Yet W. B. Yeats' mistress Margot Ruddock, a person of no importance in her own right (sorry PL), has her own article, not redirected to him.
QUOTE(guy @ Tue 6th February 2007, 9:49am) *

Margot Ruddock, a person of no importance in her own right (sorry PL)

No need to apologise, Guy - I agree. Not exactly one of my most extensive articles, anyway.
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