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Wikipedia’s editorial system — or lack thereof — that made his joke possible has professors and college departments around the country concerned that students are citing incorrect information in their academic work. A few Yale professors are adamantly opposed to the use of Wikipedia for academic work, though many of their peers said it has not caused problems at Yale and students said they ...

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Profs question students' Wikipedia dependency
Yale Daily News, CT - 1 hour ago
By June Torbati. If you type the word “emysphilia” into Google, the first link listed is an article on the Web site defining the term as “a rare ...
This is the original story by June Torbati in the Yale Daily News that exposed John Behan as the Yale Wikipedian who wrote hoax articles that responsible Wikipedians were obliged to investigate and delete.

There is also a good blog post about this story by Yale graduate student, Sage Ross (User:Ragesoss), who evidently blogs extensively about Wikipedia.
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