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Fans take out ire on FAI by editing Wikipedia entry, Ireland - 21 minutes ago
09.02.2007 - While some travelling supporters booed Ireland officials and management in person at in San Marino on Wednesday night, others have taken out ...
Google News

Fans take out ire on FAI by editing Wikipedia entry, Ireland - 52 minutes ago
09.02.2007 - While some travelling supporters booed Ireland officials and management in person at in San Marino on Wednesday night, others have taken out ...
San Marino lost? sad.gif

Blimey, I had them getting into the semis this year!

I guess it's actually next year...
QUOTE(Somey @ Fri 9th February 2007, 7:02am) *

San Marino lost? sad.gif

Blimey, I had them getting into the semis this year!

I guess it's actually next year...

You need to get PL to make a statistical adjustment to allow for population size and latitude. Bet she could prove they really won!
QUOTE(guy @ Fri 9th February 2007, 12:10pm) *

You need to get PL to make a statistical adjustment to allow for population size and latitude. Bet she could prove they really won!

First, you'd have to see of San Marino has a smaller population than Ireland - I think I could demonstrate that it desn't ... biggrin.gif
Google News

Fans take out ire on FAI by editing Wikipedia entry, Ireland - 7 hours ago
09.02.2007 - While some travelling supporters booed Ireland officials and management in person at in San Marino on Wednesday night, others have taken out ...
Yahoo! News
Wikipedia entries for the Football Association of Ireland (FAI), Ireland manager Steve Staunton and striker Robbie Keane have been sabotaged.

Google News

Fans take out ire on FAI by editing Wikipedia entry, Ireland - 23 hours ago
09.02.2007 - While some travelling supporters booed Ireland officials and management in person at in San Marino on Wednesday night, others have taken out ...
Google News

Fans take out ire on FAI by editing Wikipedia entry, Ireland - Feb 8, 2007
09.02.2007 - While some travelling supporters booed Ireland officials and management in person at in San Marino on Wednesday night, others have taken out ...
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