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Google News

<img src= width=80 height=54 alt="" border=1>SEO: Where Can Wikipedia Help?
Practical Ecommerce (subscription), Grand Junction - Feb 11, 2007
In Google, Wikipedia is everywhere. Pretty much anything you type into Google seems to result in a Wikipedia entry being returned as a top-10 result. ...
Google News

<img src= width=80 height=54 alt="" border=1>SEO: Where Can Wikipedia Help?
Practical Ecommerce (subscription), Grand Junction - 3 hours ago
In Google, Wikipedia is everywhere. Pretty much anything you type into Google seems to result in a Wikipedia entry being returned as a top-10 result. ...
In Google, Wikipedia is everywhere. Pretty much anything you type into Google seems to result in a Wikipedia entry being returned as a top-10 result. Wikipedia's status in the search engines as an "authority site" is undisputed.
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