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Dokdo: One of Wikipedia's 'Lamest Edit Wars'
오마이뉴스, South Korea - 1 hour ago
The origins of the tiny islands in the sea separating the two Koreas and Japan (this being yet another disputed title: is it "East Sea," as the Koreans ...
Yahoo! News
Interestingly, if a netizen comes looking for "Takeshima," they will be redirected to the "Dokdo" page, the Korean name. This somewhat contradictory editorial decision to take a de facto...

Google News

Dokdo: One of Wikipedia's 'Lamest Edit Wars'
OhmyNews International, South Korea - 1 hour ago
The origins of the tiny islands in the sea separating the two Koreas and Japan (this being yet another disputed title: is it "East Sea," as the Koreans ...
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