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For the record, I do not hate Wikipedia, as I tried to make clear here. As a showcase of communal knowledge, it is astonishingly interesting and useful. But it is also, alas, a showcase of communal knowledge, which can lead to complications.
has anyone else noticed that Wikipedia entries often exhibit a rather serious interest in a subject’s religious background — particularly if the subject is Jewish?

That's not true. Most Jews have no more than a category saying [[Jewish scientist]] or whatever. The problem only arises when editors seek to remove mention of Jewishness, as in Talk:Grigori Perelman and Talk:Selig Percy Amoils. Thus he should have said "has anyone else noticed that some Wikipedia editors often seek to remove reference to a subject’s religious background — particularly if the subject is Jewish?"
QUOTE(Poetlister @ Wed 28th February 2007, 10:39am) *
That's not true. Most Jews have no more than a category saying [[Jewish scientist]] or whatever. The problem only arises when editors seek to remove mention of Jewishness, as in Talk:Grigori Perelman and Talk:Selig Percy Amoils. Thus he should have said "has anyone else noticed that some Wikipedia editors often seek to remove reference to a subject’s religious background — particularly if the subject is Jewish?"

Maybe one of us could leave a comment? There are none so far... smile.gif

It's ironic that one of the founders of Google finds any aspect of Wikipedia personally troublesome, but until it translates into some relief from the WP-always-at-the-top problem, I guess I can't be too sympathetic! Still, maybe it's a good sign.
QUOTE(Somey @ Fri 2nd March 2007, 6:36am) *

Maybe one of us could leave a comment? There are none so far... smile.gif

I actually tried to copy up PL's comment and couldn't.

12:05pm GMT: OK, I've done it now.
QUOTE(guy @ Fri 2nd March 2007, 10:03am) *

12:05pm GMT: OK, I've done it now.

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