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Yahoo! News
If you ve been using Google to search for just about anything lately you ve probably noticed a strange trend entries from Wikipedia appear at or near the top of the first results page. What s going on here Is it something we should worry about What if anything should you do about it for the sake of your web site ...

Yahoo! News
Last year, when Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales announced plans to launch a new search engine in the first half of 2007, everyday users of this now ubiquitous tool wondered what Wales could do that Google couldn't. However, the search engine community knew better. Google may be an official verb in the dictionary, but the conventional wisdom is that the giant can't dominate the field indefinitely.

Google News

Wikipedia founder says to challenge Google and Yahoo, UK - 17 minutes ago
TOKYO (Reuters) - The on-line collaboration responsible for Wikipedia plans to build a search engine to rival those of Google and Yahoo, the founder of the ...
Yahoo! News
The on-line collaboration responsible for Wikipedia plans to build a search engine to rival those of Google Inc. and Yahoo Inc. , the founder of the popular Internet encyclopaedia said on Thursday.

Yahoo! News
TOKYO (Reuters) - The on-line collaboration responsible for Wikipedia plans to build a search engine to rival those of Google Inc. and Yahoo Inc. , the founder of the popular Internet encyclopaedia said on Thursday.

Yahoo! News
The company behind Wikipedia plans to shake up the search market by offering a collaborate search platform allowing users to improve upon the system much like they do with the popular encyclopedia Web site.

Google News

Wikipedia founder searches for info in Japan
Asia Pacific Media Network, CA - 14 minutes ago
By Setsuko Kamiya. Regardless of the language, a search on the Internet these days will likely bring up a reference to Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia ...
Yahoo! News
Regardless of the language, a search on the Internet these days will likely bring up a reference to Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia that anyone can contribute to.

Google News

Wikipedia founder to launch search engine
United Press International - 1 hour ago
TOKYO, March 8 (UPI) -- A Wikipedia company will build an Internet search engine that lets users improve on the system, the Internet encyclopedia founder ...
Yahoo! News
Regardless of the language, a search on the Internet these days will likely bring up a reference to Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia that anyone can contribute to.

Yahoo! News
A Wikipedia company will build an Internet search engine that lets users improve on the system, the Internet encyclopedia founder said in Tokyo Thursday. The Wikia Inc.

Yahoo! News
The online collaboration responsible for Wikipedia plans to build a search engine to rival those of Google and Yahoo, the founder of the popular Internet encyclopaedia says.

Google News

<img src= width=80 height=64 alt="" border=1>Wikipedia founder says to challenge Google, Yahoo
Sabah, Turkey - 22 minutes ago
The online collaboration responsible for Wikipedia plans to build a search engine to rival those of Google Inc. and Yahoo Inc., the founder of the popular ...
Yahoo! News
A Wikipedia company will build an Internet search engine that lets users improve on the system, the Internet encyclopedia founder said in Tokyo Thursday.

Yahoo! News
The online collaboration responsible for Wikipedia plans to build a search engine to rival those of Google Inc. and Yahoo Inc., the founder of the popular Internet encyclopaedia said on Thursday.

Yahoo! News
Link: Wikipedia founder says to challenge Google The on-line collaboration responsible for Wikipedia plans to build a search engine to rival those of Google and Yahoo, the founder of the popular Internet ...

Google News

<img src= width=79 height=62 alt="" border=1>Wikipedia founder says to challenge Google, Yahoo
Reuters - 25 minutes ago
TOKYO (Reuters) - The online collaboration responsible for Wikipedia plans to build a search engine to rival those of Google Inc. and Yahoo Inc., ...
Google News

<img src= width=80 height=60 alt="" border=1>Wikipedia plans to take on search giants Google and Yahoo
IT PRO, UK - 24 minutes ago
The man behind the popular web encyclopaedia says he plans to build a search engine to take on those currently dominating the market. ...
Google News

Wikipedia Founder to Challenge Google at Search
Marketing Vox News - 13 minutes ago
Wikia Inc., the commercial counterpart to the nonprofit Wikipedia, wants to take as much as 5 percent of the lucrative internet search market from ...
Although there were unofficial rumors that Wikia, the company owned by Jimmy Wales and the company behind Wikipedia, would launch a search engine to compete with Google and Yahoo, today's formal, official announcement sees the rumor confirmed as fact.
Yahoo! News
Wikia Inc., the San Mateo company co-founded by Wikipedia creator Jimmy Wales, plans to challenge Google and Yahoo with a search engine that lets users edit and fine-tune its results.

Yahoo! News
Wikia Inc., the San Mateo company co-founded by Wikipedia creator Jimmy Wales, plans to challenge Google and Yahoo with a search engine that lets users edit and fine-tune its results.

Yahoo! News
Wikia Inc., the San Mateo company co-founded by Wikipedia creator Jimmy Wales, plans to challenge Google and Yahoo with a search engine that lets users edit and fine-tune its results.

Wikia Inc., the San Mateo company co-founded by Wikipedia creator Jimmy Wales, plans to challenge Google Inc. and Yahoo Inc. with a search engine that lets users edit and fine-tune its results.
Google News

Wikipedia's Search Engine Plan
Slashdot - 1 hour ago
jasonoik writes "Wikia, the company behind wikipedia reveal plans for a new, editable search engine. They say that the goal of the project is to get 5% of ...
Yahoo! News
jasonoik writes "Wikia, the company behind wikipedia reveal plans for a new, editable search engine. They say that the goal of the project is to get 5% of the search market. The service does not yet an official release date. The article also leaves open the possibility that the search results may contain ads, and concludes by listing figures of the web advertisement market."

There have been some reports that the founder of Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales, has plans to take on Google and Yahoo in the search engine game.
Google News

Wikipedia founder takes on search engines, New Zealand - 13 minutes ago
Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales is targeting the fourth quarter of this year for the unveiling of an open-source search engine, he said in Tokyo. ...
Google News

Wikipedia Founder Plans To Launch Search Engine
BizReport - 21 minutes ago
Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales on Thursday indicated his plans to launch an open source search engine early next year. According to Wales, the first test ...
Google News

Wikipedia Founder Plans To Launch Search Engine
BizReport - 13 hours ago
Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales on Thursday indicated his plans to launch an open source search engine early next year. According to Wales, the first test ...
Google News

Wikipedia founder plans search engine
Information World Review, UK - 16 minutes ago
By Shaun Nichols 19 Mar 2007. Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales told reporters at a news conference in Tokyo that the company's Wikia commercial spin-off ...
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