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Yahoo! News
About six months ago, I noticed that I had an entry in the online encyclopedia Wikipedia. I was flattered. It was short, and named both my father and one of my sons, confirming my belief that I am a transitional piece of genetic material, linking two very talented generations.

QUOTE(Alex Beam @ March 12, 2007)
I complained about my entry through Wikipedia's dissent channel. Nothing happened. Then a friend slipped me a magic phone number that rang in the office of Stanford Law professor Lawrence Lessig, the Learned Hand of the Internet bar. His helpful assistant relayed my complaint to Wales, who sits on a board with Lessig. Soon afterward , the offending paragraphs were removed.

Well, that's one way, I guess...

What if you don't have a friend with a magic phone number, though? I guess you're completely screwed.
Daniel Brandt
This is what's wrong with journalism today. He should have escalated his request through Wikipedia's own recommended channels - email, then fax, then letter, then Brad's talk page, then letter to Jimbo, then a letter to Kira Wales, then an email to Florence, then a certified letter to the Foundation, then a registered letter with return receipt. He might have ended up with a useful column about Wikipedia's unresponsiveness and how there ought to be a law preventing it from doing biographies of living people. As it is, he ended up with a useless column that wastes paper and ink.

I wouldn't want Lawrence Lessig to help me even if I had his magic number. He'd just use the occasion as an example to show that the open-source hivemind really works.
That's a bit harsh. He's given a good example of how you can get nonsense in your Wikibio and you can't get it corrected unless you have influence.
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