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Full Version: Bessemer Venture Partners Funds Jimmy Wales' Startup Wikia
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* Bessemer leads $4 million round with prominent angels * Company changes name from Wikicities to Wikia * Wikia supports foundation behind Wikipedia
Blu Aardvark
QUOTE(qwerty @ Sun 9th April 2006, 11:59pm) *
Hey, did you see who seeded the story on Newsvine? Beesley, OF COURSE. Now they're gonna go distort Newsvine.

Shame, yes. I've looked over Beesley's two posts on Newsvine, and it can only be described by one phrase - "Commercial Spam".
I was interested to read this comment from the VC that is funding Wikia:

<begin quote>
"We’re very excited to partner with Wikia," said Jeremy Levine of Bessemer, who has joined the Wikia board of directors. "Based on the phenomenal rise of Wikipedia, Jimmy and Angela obviously know what wiki users want in a site!"
<end quote>

So all those folk who thought they were contributing their time and knowledge to help build a great free resource were building something so that Wales could say to the VCs "Hey look how great I am, trust me with your money"
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