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From my read of it, I took away a couple of key things. Alan Deutschman basically gives Jimbo 92% praise and 8% criticism. The article was obviously written before the Essjay scandal. And, no mention of Larry Sanger, or that Jimbo was the co-creator of Wikipedia. In fact, I have to read it again, but I think they made it sound like it was actually Jimbo who brought the wiki idea to the Nupedia table.

Why Is This Man Smiling?
Jimbo Wales, the founder of Wikipedia, slayer of Britannica, has a new giant in his sights: Google. And he thinks he has got a better way to search. Is he delusional--or inspired? By Alan Deutschman
The Search Market
Google dominates in visitors, the number of searches, and, most important, money. By Fast Company Staff
The Tangled Relationship Between Jimbo Wales and Google
By Fast Company Staff
A Highly Subjective History of Search
Since its launch, Google has been the search destination for the digerati. But where the cool kids search has been historically fickle. Is volatility about to make a comeback? By Fast Company Staff

Essentially, more media fawning over the God-King. If Google is in the slightest way damaged by Jimmy Wales' search efforts in the next 10 years, I will eat a half-pound of liverwurst, standing in my bathing trunks, in the center courtyard of Philadelphia City Hall.

Fast Company is a hype magazine. Don't believe anything you read in it. It is pretty much the opposite of the New Yorker when it comes to credibility, FC loves to reprint press releases under the guise of articles.
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