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The Wikipedia Factor in US Intelligence
Secrecy News, DC - 45 minutes ago
The collaboratively written online encyclopedia Wikipedia, created in 2001, has steadily grown in popularity, credibility and influence to the point that it ...
The collaboratively written online encyclopedia Wikipedia, created in 2001, has steadily grown in popularity, credibility and influence to the point that it is now used and referenced in US Government intelligence products.
Google News

Wikipedia Becomes Intelligence Tool and Target for Jihadists
InformationWeek, NY - 1 hour ago
Last year, an Internet user posted a message to a jihadist Web site titled "Why Don't We Invade Wikipedia?" By Thomas Claburn ...
Google News

Wikipedia Becomes Intelligence Tool and Target for Jihadists
InformationWeek, NY - 4 hours ago
Last year, an Internet user posted a message to a jihadist Web site titled "Why Don't We Invade Wikipedia?" By Thomas Claburn ...
Yahoo! News
Last year, an Internet user posted a message to a jihadist Web site titled "Why Don't We Invade Wikipedia?"

Google News

Wikipedia Becomes Target for Jihadists
Dark Reading, NY - 20 minutes ago
MARCH 23, 2007 | Wikipedia, like Switzerland, wants to be neutral. But the new bankers of the Net's knowledge face foes invested in partisan points of view. ...
Joel Leyden
QUOTE(Google News @ Thu 22nd March 2007, 9:47pm) *

Wikipedia Becomes Intelligence Tool and Target for Jihadists
InformationWeek, NY - 1 hour ago
Last year, an Internet user posted a message to a jihadist Web site titled "Why Don't We Invade Wikipedia?" By Thomas Claburn ...

Asked whether the defense community was aware of concerted efforts by jihadists to alter Wikipedia, Maj. Patrick Ryder, a spokesperson for the Department of Defense, said, "I have no information on this particular case to pass along. However, as we have seen, terrorists continue to use the Internet to conduct distributed operations, recruit, raise funds and spread false information."

The answer is a clear yes!
In the article Does Wikipedia Support Terrorism:// Terrorism support for this claim is black and white.
Israeli web sites are deleted as "propaganda" where the likes of Al Jazeera flourish. And when we look at the Wiki editors responsible for the edits that encourage such patterns i.e. - no one is surprised.
So that brings us back to one theory is user El_C really CIA attempting to serve as a "lightening rod" to attract real terrorists? The CIA and NSA are all over Wikipedia. And I am pleased about that. But they do find innocents to be expendable for the greater cause - and that does not go down well with me and thousands of other users. Bottom line - don't play with us - you will get exposed. Our intelligence level is a bit more than what the CIA and NSA gives us credit for.
QUOTE(Joel Leyden @ Sun 25th March 2007, 1:11pm) *

QUOTE(Google News @ Thu 22nd March 2007, 9:47pm) *

Wikipedia Becomes Intelligence Tool and Target for Jihadists
InformationWeek, NY - 1 hour ago
Last year, an Internet user posted a message to a jihadist Web site titled "Why Don't We Invade Wikipedia?" By Thomas Claburn ...

Asked whether the defense community was aware of concerted efforts by jihadists to alter Wikipedia, Maj. Patrick Ryder, a spokesperson for the Department of Defense, said, "I have no information on this particular case to pass along. However, as we have seen, terrorists continue to use the Internet to conduct distributed operations, recruit, raise funds and spread false information."

The answer is a clear yes!
In the article Does Wikipedia Support Terrorism:// Terrorism:// Terrorism support for this claim is black and white.
Israeli web sites are deleted as "propaganda" where the likes of Al Jazeera flourish. And when we look at the Wiki editors responsible for the edits that encourage such patterns i.e. - no one is surprised.
So that brings us back to one theory is user El_C really CIA attempting to serve as a "lightening rod" to attract real terrorists? The CIA and NSA are all over Wikipedia. And I am pleased about that. But they do find innocents to be expendable for the greater cause - and that does not go down well with me and thousands of other users. Bottom line - don't play with us - you will get exposed. Our intelligence level is a bit more than what the CIA and NSA gives us credit for.

No offense Joel, but I think you are connecting dots that may not actually be connected. El_C doesn't seem all that radical in a true sense but more chic radical. In North America, chic radical is a lot different from real radicalism. It is incredible common for people to wear Che T-Shirts around without having much of a clue what Che was actually involved in. It's just a hipster thing. It is likely that the CIA and other intelligence groups has tried psychops with Wikipedia but I haven't thought enough about it, but I can think of candidates more likely that El_C. I think you just had a particular run in with El_C and are drawing too many conclusions from it, similar to how some people were probably erroneously drawing connections from Jayjg to AIPAC.

NSA monitors all internet traffic in the US and likely all intercontinental traffic as well via undersea cable splices, thus the NSA knows all without actually requiring anyone in particular "on the inside" of Wikipedia or any other group/company. Thus I think it is unlikely that the NSA is "all over Wikipedia" doing humint, its not their style and there should be no need.
But... but... the evidence is black and white!
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