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Anonymity the fatal flaw of Wikipedia
The Gateway, Canada - 20 minutes ago
It’s brought together laymen and academics alike, and, in theory anyway, will eventually document everything and anything that can be documented. ...
QUOTE(Google News @ Thu 22nd March 2007, 3:54am) *

Anonymity the fatal flaw of Wikipedia
The Gateway, Canada - 20 minutes ago
It’s brought together laymen and academics alike, and, in theory anyway, will eventually document everything and anything that can be documented. ...

Great article. I notice the cabal came out in force to add comments to the article.
QUOTE(anon1234 @ Thu 5th April 2007, 8:05pm) *

I notice the cabal came out in force to add comments to the article.

And I came out with equal logical and evidential force to negate their comments.

QUOTE(thekohser @ Fri 6th April 2007, 2:07am) *

QUOTE(anon1234 @ Thu 5th April 2007, 8:05pm) *

I notice the cabal came out in force to add comments to the article.

And I came out with equal logical and evidential force to negate their comments.


Great response. It weird how the core Wikipedians have such a need to stand together in the face of criticism, it really does appear to be a bad case of group think. Half of the issues we talk about on WR, and the topics that get this website banned from Wikipedia, would disappear if they disallowed anonymous editing over at Wikipedia.
I would imagine the reason the WP folks got so involved in this one is because the writer is one of their own, namely User:Colin_Keigher - who has appeared on Talk:Daniel_Brandt (on the bad guys' side), among other wikipages.

He makes some good points in the article, but that doesn't quite make him a decent guy... meanwhile, it really is instructive that they'd focus on trying to downplay the WP-Wikia relationship. They're very sensitive about that!
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