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Wikipedia site filled with major mistakes, NJ - 13 minutes ago
My only personal experience with Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia, was decidedly unfavorable. ... The same is true of Wikipedia. ...
My only personal experience with Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia, was decidedly unfavorable. I was left with the impression that a bunch of nasty, arrogant dimwits are in charge.
Probably more than one
I happen to know something that very few people know.

In 1964, Barry Goldwater sued a magazine called Fact for various articles it had published questioning Goldwater's fitness to be president.

Recently, I sent Wikipedia a note saying the main article about Goldwater in the magazine had been written by none other than David Bar-Illan, the pianist -- even though his name was not on the article.

Wikipedia did not publish what I wrote. Instead, some jerk contemptuously replied, in print, that Wiki would not publish my note, demanding to know: Where's the evidence?

He never contacted me directly, as he should have; he just high-handedly dismissed my note, going on and on like a nutcase about: Where's the evidence?

Well, if that yahoo had written to me, as he should have, I would have replied: I was a primary source. I was the magazine's managing editor.

Goldwater sued me for $2 million. (He collected 33 cents.)

I suspect that whoever edited my contribution had no professional editing experience whatsoever. I suspect, in fact, that if he went to college, he must have majored in.

Once again, Wikipedia's No Original Research policy lets them down, as they ignore people who are actual experts on a topic in favour of the ignorant masses who just do a Google search and blindly trust whatever they come up with, unfortunately ahead of people who actually know.
And he is right, not a single mention of it in Barry Goldwater's article.

Will they fix it, or will they regard this guy as a kook?

And if they do fix it, they'll be doing it because it was published in an article, not because its right. Wikipedia has their priorities messed up.
What if somebody edited the article, citing this web source? Chances are, someone would dismiss it as a blog and not a reputable source. wink.gif

- Second thoughts -
Obviously, it's not a reputable source, because it's from a Wikipedia critic. dry.gif
Insertion/removal diff

Kinda funny how he complains about the writting in articles and then bungles himself.
Anon's talk page does not exactly inspire confidence and even if he had left a message the author probably would not have received it.

edit: first google hit for "Barry Goldwater" "Warren Boroson", I'm tired after all of that research needed to cite this.

Someone should add this link:

I would, but you know, I've got better things to do than bother with Wikipedia.

And maybe send a message to Jmabel, who is obviously stuffing things up:

And link him to the article:

QUOTE(qwerty @ Tue 11th April 2006, 6:16am) *

Why do you say Boroson bungles himself?

Errant \, improper use of a dash, Goldwater received damages from himself? It should say $50,000 from the magazine, $25,000 from *Ginzburg* and an additional $1 split between the magazine, Ginzburg, and Boroson.
um no, they didn't confuse Goldwater with Ginzberg. Goldwater was suing, Ginzberg was one of the ones sued.
The \ is in the diff from the article, not pasted to the talk page. See my earlier link.

In the paragraph it says "Goldwater sued for libel--and a jury awarded him $75,000 against Goldwater and the magazine, and $1 against Ginzburg, the magazine, and Warren Boroson, an editor at the magazine."
Goldburg sued Ginzburg, the magazine, and Warren Boroson. Correct
Goldburg received $75,000 against Goldwater and the magazine. Incorrect, he received it from Ginzburg and the magazine. How exactly do you sue yourself for damages?
"Senator Goldwater commenced this libel action for damages against Fact Magainze, Inc., Warren against Fact Magazine, Inc., Warren Boroson, the named author of one of the and publisher of Fact."
"Although the jury awarded Goldwater only $1.00 in compensatory damages against all three defendants, it went on to [396 U.S. 1049 , 1050] award him punitive damages of $25,000 against Ginzburg and $50,000 against Fact Magazine, Inc."
QUOTE(kotepho @ Tue 11th April 2006, 11:38pm) *

The \ is in the diff from the article, not pasted to the talk page. See my earlier link.

In the paragraph it says "Goldwater sued for libel--and a jury awarded him $75,000 against Goldwater and the magazine, and $1 against Ginzburg, the magazine, and Warren Boroson, an editor at the magazine."
Goldburg sued Ginzburg, the magazine, and Warren Boroson. Correct
Goldburg received $75,000 against Goldwater and the magazine. Incorrect, he received it from Ginzburg and the magazine. How exactly do you sue yourself for damages?
"Senator Goldwater commenced this libel action for damages against Fact Magainze, Inc., Warren against Fact Magazine, Inc., Warren Boroson, the named author of one of the and publisher of Fact."
"Although the jury awarded Goldwater only $1.00 in compensatory damages against all three defendants, it went on to [396 U.S. 1049 , 1050] award him punitive damages of $25,000 against Ginzburg and $50,000 against Fact Magazine, Inc."

Yes, I missed that typo. Its quite understandable of course to make it like that. So that one word should be changed, finito.

And that justifies the reaction he got? Somehow I think that there was more to it than one word off. I think that Wikipedia were thinking that he wasn't who he said he was.
Jmabel. I know he writes it on his user page, but it is just confusing to refer to him by his real name suddenly without explanation. His Wikipedia username is less confusing.

Now, the question is this: was Jmabel just one isolated accident? Or is this a kind of policy going on? If its an accident, I'd expect Jmabel to apologise, and to sort things out. If its policy, well, the article won't be fixed. Hmm. To date, the article is still not fixed and Jmabel hasn't apologised, so I wonder how long all of that will take. I mean, surely he is going to apologise at some stage, right?
And that justifies the reaction he got? Somehow I think that there was more to it than one word off. I think that Wikipedia were thinking that he wasn't who he said he was.

I don't think it does. He seems to think it was potentially libelous and it was unsourced, so he removed it. Some people are freaked out about libel now with WP:OFFICE and what not now. He should have googled and figured out, hey this is true and just cited it. Even if I couldn't find a source I would just {{fact}} it and give it at least a day before moving it to talk unless it was something like accusing someone of being involved in killing JFK or being a child molester.

I don't even think Jmabel knows about it yet, I didn't leave a message on his talk page as he seems to edit the article often.
I just quoted Boroson's article in my Wikipedia Criticism, as well as Blu Aardavark.
Right at the bottom.



1 – Technically, Sanger was not an employee of Wikimedia; since, it did not officially exist yet. He was employed by Jimbo Wales, for the purposes of facilitating Wikipedia’s growth.

2 – As Jimbo explained, in an email to me.

3 -

I think its a better article than just leaving it in a quote at the bottom.

Oh sorry, I see the quote now:

Boroson, Warren: I'm not contending that all of Wikipedia's entries are without merit. Some of them, I grant, read as if they had been written by a bright high school student. [Nevertheless], I was left with the impression that a bunch of nasty, arrogant dimwits are in charge.


BluAardvark: Part of the reason my talk page ended up protected and blanked, was because I stated that Wikipedia's most valuable resources weren't the "established editors", but the new editors who come by, submit content, and leave. I also stated that when Wikipedia finally collapsed, it would be from abuses from those who THINK they've contributed the most. Really, Wikipedia doesn't benefit much from a bunch of uptight fucks who sit and revert war over trivial nonsense such as the fact that Darwin and Lincoln shared a birthday, or who wheel war over the deletion of some crappy templates.
I didn't realise before now that is your entire web site, with lots of stuff in there. I should organise mine better. My old one used to be sorted out well like that, but I kind of let it slide somewhat. I am not overly interested in making things look pretty.
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