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Since when is Wikipedia authoritative?
North Lake Tahoe Bonanza, NV - 15 minutes ago
Yes, being "authoritative" is a big deal in our racket. You see, when we're embroiled in a beef with one set of bureaucrats or another (be it the IRS, ...
Is the "Irwin Schiff" referred to any relation of our friend Stacy Schiff?
QUOTE(guy @ Fri 23rd March 2007, 8:46am) *
Is the "Irwin Schiff" referred to any relation of our friend Stacy Schiff?

I don't think so... There's actually a WP article about him, but more to the point, the most recent US Census revealed quite a number of families named "Schiff" just in the State of Nevada alone. There were also several Johnsons and Hamptons, the occasional Dingle and Schnickel, and quite a few Bushes and Beavers, too.
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