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Full Version: Apparently, I'm a pilot living in Provincetown, and also gay (Charleston City Paper)
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"He commutes to Boston daily by single-engine aircraft from the Provincetown, Massachusetts home he shares with his partner, a novelist." --From the "Michael Graham" article on

Jonny Cache
Quitcher Bitchin', it could be worse, you could be a Provincial Pilate living in Gay, Indiana ...

Oh look, and now U R ...

Jonny cool.gif
Note the reply, presumably by a Cabal member.


colkrny (, Downtown 4/ 4/2007 - 4:00am

Get over yourself! Wikipedia has many safeguards against misinformation, especially on subjects of history and fact. Yes the regulation on pages such as yours aren't as patrolled as much as say George W Bush's, I think you can see why. It's because you hardly matter, you barely matter to have your own wiki page. Despite what you say this article and your article on wiki just boost your ego and you know that you're glad that someone took the time to profile you. Otherwise you wouldn't take the time to do this response.

Get over yourself! Wikipedia has many safeguards against misinformation, especially on subjects of history and fact...

So this is how they're circling the wagons over BLP issues, by having teenage acolytes badger people with lies and distortions on blogger comments? You'd think they could come up with a better plan than that...
I like this bit from the column:
QUOTE(Michael Graham @ Wed 7th Dec 2005)
If everybody's final Jeopardy answer is right, then nobody's is.

Seems a fitting motto for WR. biggrin.gif
Also, did anyone notice this column is nearly a year and a half old? Are the newsbots sensing blood on the water?
QUOTE(guy @ Wed 4th April 2007, 10:23am) *

Note the reply, presumably by a Cabal member.


colkrny (, Downtown 4/ 4/2007 - 4:00am

Get over yourself! Wikipedia has many safeguards against misinformation, especially on subjects of history and fact.

I posted my own comment to the article, to try to restore a "NPOV" on the page.

QUOTE(Somey @ Wed 4th April 2007, 7:44am) *

Get over yourself! Wikipedia has many safeguards against misinformation, especially on subjects of history and fact...

So this is how they're circling the wagons over BLP issues, by having teenage acolytes badger people with lies and distortions on blogger comments? You'd think they could come up with a better plan than that...

It's not just the lack of authority, but apparently the groups that work together to make decisions, because the academic oriented literally work with K-12 graders, providing stupid, mean, and crazy actions by administrators/those in power at Wikipedia. Moreover, it's not just that "anyone can edit," but they block and ban unjustly, not to mention they do it to those who use their real names! They also stifle freedom of speech with their double-standard policies of "be polite," NPOV, and AGF. Christ, they even called me a "racist troll" for no good reason in rejecting my posts on WikiEN-l! Talk about crazy!

Anyway, I'm looking at this as a criticism. Can Wikipedia be improved? It should be because it's got all that's wrong with the USENET; it's like government that's worse than anarchy!


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