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I was cracking up last night to see that NBC's hit show "The Office" incorporated Wikipedia into the plot. Michael Scott (played by Steve Carell) is faced with an employee asking for a raise, so he prints out this guide to getting the upper hand in negotiations, which he printed off of Wikipedia.

Classic quote:

Michael: Wikipedia is the best thing ever. Anyone in the world can write anything they want about any subject. So you know you are getting the best possible information.

If Michael Scott thinks Wikipedia is the best thing ever, we can infer that the popular culture is starting to swing to a more skeptical view of Wikipedia. Thank God.

(To place this in perspective for non-watchers of The Office, Michael is throughout this episode wearing a woman's tailored suit -- he thought the fact that the buttons were on the "wrong" side and that there were no back pockets were earmarks of its being "European".)

Darryl: Are you wearing lady clothes? Those look like lady pants.
Michael: No. This is a power suit.
Darryl: That there’s a woman’s suit.
Michael: I do not buy women’s clothes. Would not make that mistake again.

Michael: Pam, would you please tell Darryl that this is not a woman’s suit.
Pam: Omigod, that’s a woman’s suit!

Michael: There were these huge bins of clothes. And everybody was rifling through them, like crazy. And I grabbed one. And it fit. So I don’t think that this is totally just a woman’s suit. At the very least, it’s bisexual.

Kevin: Who makes it?
Michael: Um, MISSterious. And it is mysterious, because the buttons are on the wrong side. That’s the mystery.

Pam: Michael, the pants don’t have any pockets.
Michael: No, they don’t, see? Italians don’t wear pockets.
It was hilarious. Just the way Michael said it, and then he started to follow the advice and did these stupid routines. I noticed later yesterday evening that someone had included in the Wikipedia article for that particular episode but they had sanitized it to just say "Wikipedia is the best ever" not saying the context, thus you were lead to believe it was a purely positive reference. Which is so typical of Wikipedia and it made me smile ear-to-ear.

I think this is the version I read last night:

You can't buy cultural references like that. Stephen Colbert and Steve Carell have done "wonders" for Wikipedia's reputation.
"Wikipedia is the best thing ever" + "At the very least, it’s bisexual" = comedy gold. tongue.gif
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